Fibromyalgia is a condition affecting mostly women (usually in the age group of 35 to 60) compared with men, in which intense pain is experienced emanating from the muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments which is also accompanied by tiredness and lethargy. It can hinder productivity and get in the way of safe and cool life. What actually could be the right treatment of cure for this fibromyalgia? Of course, keeping in view the emergence of everyday new side effects, home remedies are the ultimate complete cure for this physical pain. The natural remedies can further be segregated into two segments – Regular Exercise and Home Remedies.
Regular Exercise for Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia patients generally take therapeutic exercise sessions in healthcare institutions, where they can be overviewed by trained medical staff. People grappling with fibromyalgia can also take this exercise regimen in the comforts of their own homes, or enroll in an aerobic or gym class wherein they can receive the guidance of a personal trainer.
- Studies and case studies have also shown that people having fibromyalgia can simmer down their pain and keep a check of their health & wellness by complying with a regular exercise program. Exercise for fibromyalgia can include running a treadmill, riding a bicycle, aquatic exercises, or even strength building, (generally under the supervision of a trainer) and of course yoga also.
- Yoga is known to soothe the mind and soul while strengthening and balancing a person. In a way, yoga enables a person displaying the signs & symptoms of fibromyalgia keep a track of his/her health, more so as the condition generated some sort of hindrance in the way the body is able to process pain. Persons suffering with the arthritis-related disorder experience decreased blood pressure to a few areas of the brain which generally helps in letting the body handle pain.
- Opting for a natural treatment like exercise in lieu of medication to soothe the pain, inflammation, and in most of instances, depression accompanying fibromyalgia can be fruitful. People's bodies, usually, react in several ways. A right exercise for fibromyalgia for one person may not be at all suitable for another.
- One exercise which has been considered as evergreen and effective even for the old people is water aerobics. It develops stamina while offering comfort and relief to the symptoms and effects of fibromyalgia. Water aerobics also generates motivational strength for patients who join a group class/activity.
- Although there are myriad of medication available for fibromyalgia, the best medication for fibromyalgia is still believed to be the natural home remedy. In the long run, natural pain relief is better as it is easier to administer. Natural treatment is also considered to be better as there are generally no noticeable side effects witnessed.
Fibromyalgia Home Remedies
- To several person's surprise, a lot of the components that can be facilitated to deal with this kind of pain are mostly found at home - in our daily diet.
- Honey and lemon have many powerful healing substances, and in addition to being used for cooking, they can also be used to treat fibromyalgia pain. A few teaspoons of lemon and honey blend with a glass of warm water and if taken twice a day, work wonders. Not only does it help treating the fibromyalgia, it also has other healing agents for the body. If small quantity of turmeric is also incorporated, it becomes a very strong cocktail. Turmeric is a very strong antiseptic with healing properties. The only drawback is the pungent taste of turmeric.
- Don’t use white flour, white sugar and salt. If you can cut down your sugar intake, it would not only alleviate your fibromyalgia pain, but would also heal your body in general. For those who have a sweet tooth, start using brown or raw cane sugar. White flour is not advisable for you to consume. You must totally rely on whole grain flour. And also keep the silent killer salt at bay as much as possible.
- Scrubbing warm vinegar on your aching muscles and joints is yet another very effective home treatment. Vinegar and its components have been used for years to cure chronic joint and muscular pain. This product could not catch much eye balls as people just don't believe that such a simple substance can have medicinal properties.
- The most prominent hidden factor behind all this is the faith in what you are doing. Don't just administer vinegar on your joints and aches just because you got information through some article and you are simply trying it out to ward off the pain. Believe in what you are doing and its results. When you consume something or apply an ointment or take a drug that is meant for relieving you from pain, alert your subconscious mind that what you are applying or doing will ultimately cure your trouble.
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