Sunday, 30 January 2011

Prescription Drug List Available to Help Fibromyalgia Patients

Fibromyalgia Prescriptions Drug List Includes Cymbalta, Lyrica and Savella

Common events that can cause Fibromyalgia to worsen include: weather extremes (either too cold or too humid), physical activity extremes (too much or too little), stress, and poor sleep.  It is rare for fibromyalgia patients to experience a restful night’s sleep; they usually have trouble falling asleep or, once asleep, there will be frequent awakenings.  Poor sleep patterns lead to increased pain and increased pain results in poor sleep patterns, creating a self-destructing loop.  It follows then that it is not uncommon for fibromyalgia patients to suffer from major depression, which may result in the inability to focus (known as “fibro fog”), feelings of hopelessness, and not wanting to participate in favorite activities.

Manging Fibromyalgia

Aside from the administering of a prescription drug list medicine, there are techniques used to manage fibromyalgia, however, such as exercising at least three times a week, which has been shown to decrease pain and improve one’s general health (but it should not be overdone as that can increase pain). Monitoring dietary intake has also been known ease the condition, as certain foods seem to aggravate it (aspartame, MSG, caffeine and tomatoes for instance). Other techniques include managing stress situations, which decreases fibromyalgia symptoms and finally, acupuncture, which can help relieve pain in some patients.  Trying the recommended strategies in combination with a medicines prescription from the Fibromyalgia prescription drug list can substantially improve the patient’s symptoms and quality of life.

1 comment:

  1. The main fibromyalgia signs and symptoms include deep muscle pain, painful tender points, and morning stiffness. Other major
    Fibromyalgia Symptoms include sleep problems, fatigue, and anxiety. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will need to review your symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia.
